Art Awards given to Student Artists
Watch the newspaper for an upcoming article about our awards for the recent student show at Hawaii State Art Museum. WAG board members Don Johnson, Suzanne Barnes, MaryAnne Long, Roger Tinius, and Wendy Roberts spent a couple of hours selecting awards, which was certainly a tough task - there were many talented artists in the display. The representatives from the board chose 12 young artists to award $50 each in order to encourage their development as artists. The show was wonderful and had many different media types. Our award choices included paintings, graphite drawings, ink drawings, multimedia, a ceramics piece, a watercolor, an etching, a photograph, and a video produced by 5 students that made everyone a little teary-eyed. It was all pretty amazing! Photos may be able to be posted later, but may spoil the surprise if posted online right now. Don Johnson is slated to give out a special award to an incredible fashion piece in his wife’s honor, and he and MaryAnne Long matched WAG funds to assure we could grant more awards for encouraging our next generation of artists. Thank you Don and MaryAnne for the generosity extended to our next generation of artists!