Current Shows for the end of March 2022
Windward Artists Guild would like to share a few shows that are happening now and in the near future featuring WAG members... Hawaii Watercolor Society Members' Show at Downtown Art Center 2022 Hawaii Watercolor Society Members' ShowDowntown Art CenterMarch 29-April 30Tues-Sat noon-6pmSun noon-4pmJuror Eric Wiegardt has selected 70 works from local artists--many of whom are members of WAG and AHA as well as HWS. The exhibit also includes 3-D work by invited ceramicists, including the late Charles Higa who was active as a potter as well as an award-winning watercolorist. First Friday reception will be April 1, 5 - 6:30 pm. Linda Umstead's piece, Daybreak Waterhole (above) won the Best in Show/Golden Callus award. HERstory at Arts at Mark's Garage Arts at Mark's Garage hosts HERstory through March 26, 2022. The gallery is open Tuesdays through Saturdays noon to 5 pm. There is one last Pau Hana Reception on March 25, 2022 from 5 - 7 pm - don't miss it! The show features some of our talented WAG member artists including Cynthia Schubert, Claudia Wallace, Frances Wong, and MaryAnne Long who curated the show. Also open in the same area is the Downtown Art Center, with new regular hours Tuesdays - Saturdays 11 am - 4 pm. WAG Members Wendy Roberts and Jimmy Tablante have work in the gallery at this time.