Two excellent new workshops are on the calendar to be taught by Dawn Yoshimura. The first is outlined below and presented via AHA (Association for Hawaii Artists): FREE: HOW TO PREP FOR ART COMPETITIONS WORKSHOP There is a FREE workshop that is important for more than just competitions - it's all about the finer details of photographing and framing art properly. This information will help give your work the polished presentation it deserves. Dawn Yoshimura will be teaching a workshop on how to get your paintings ready for competition from photography to framing. This is in partnership with Association for Hawaii Artists, but it's open to anyone! Do you know how to photograph your art and submit it at the right size? Do you have beautiful art but the photos don't do them justice? Have you picked up your work from a venue and notice that someone has had to tighten the wire? Has your work ever fallen off the wall? Has a piece you have framed ever stuck to its protective glass? Do you use cardboard or boxboard to back your pieces even though they contain acid that will ruin your art over time? Do your eyehooks interfere with your piece hanging flush on the wall so the piece tilts? No public confessions necessary! Please come learn how to remedy these common mistakes and much more! We highly recommend you attend this FREE lesson on the best practices to make your art polished and professional. Better to know now what mistakes you are making than to have a problem at the next show! Please RSVP: